Clou in VTWonen!

“We see a clear shift: colour is back”

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Clou in VTWonen!

“We see a clear shift: colour is back”

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An interview with Marnick and Jan-Laurens

We are proud to announce that Clou’s product manager Marnick and product designer Jan-Laurens have been interviewed for VTWonen’s VTVerbouwen magazine. The interview was conducted by Kim van der Meulen and coordinated by Josselin Bijl.

An interview with Marnick and Jan-Laurens

We are proud to announce that Clou’s product manager Marnick and product designer Jan-Laurens have been interviewed for VTWonen’s VTVerbouwen magazine. The interview was conducted by Kim van der Meulen and coordinated by Josselin Bijl.

Functional and eye-catching design

Timeless design, current trends and Clou’s vision were discussed during the conversation. How do Clou’s designs come about, for example? “We also look closely at problems that people encounter in the bathroom: can we come up with something to increase convenience for the user?”, says Marnick. At Clou, we look for the perfect combination of functionality and an eye-catching appearance.

Functional and eye-catching design

Timeless design, current trends and Clou’s vision were discussed during the conversation. How do Clou’s designs come about, for example? “We also look closely at problems that people encounter in the bathroom: can we come up with something to increase convenience for the user?”, says Marnick. At Clou, we look for the perfect combination of functionality and an eye-catching appearance.

Does sustainability play a role for Clou?

“Certainly,” answered Jan-Laurens. “Our products are already sustainable because they are timeless and of good quality, and therefore last a long time. We also use sustainable materials. For example, we also make our Flush 3 washbasin from recycled material.”

Does sustainability play a role for Clou?

“Certainly,” answered Jan-Laurens. “Our products are already sustainable because they are timeless and of good quality, and therefore last a long time. We also use sustainable materials. For example, we also make our Flush 3 washbasin from recycled material.”

Curious? Check out Ecorazzo!

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